Wednesday, June 19, 2013

This week has flown by! I am already almost half way through my second transfer, my goodness how the time is flying! Sounds like a fun water park - they supposedly have one here over the ocean called Harry's or something. Hearing that makes me miss the ocean, can you believe it, I live on an island and I miss the ocean? haha! It's cool that you got to go to the speedway, looks like fun.

That is a sweet story dad, I do recall the name Matt, I think you have mentioned that story in the past. And also about what you said that it is an accumulation of experiences that changed you. I can definitely see that Satan has a huge grip here and already I can see that Satan works in lucrative and hidden ways whereas God works powerfully and gloriously. I am sure that throughout my mission, I will see it ever more. Thank you for that.

Alright the crazy story from last week... Myself and Elder Contrerez - we were on trade offs, met a lady that exclaimed, "I love to see my sons!!" she then invited us inside. Once we got inside her gate she locked it behind us and yelled to one of her friends on the street and said that we were two gentleman from England who have come to spend the night with her. After she stated how old she was and that she was born on June 28th 1921 she said she wanted to show us something weird. As we followed her through her yard she continued to relay to us on more than one occasion that she was born on June 28th 1921. She led us to her backyard and showed us the view from her backyard and said now you have something weird to tell your brethren when you meet up with them again. crazy !! You had to of been there. Then she led us back to her front gate and before she left she said that we can just call her moms when we see her again. As we left we said, "bye moms" she looked at us strangely with her hands on her hips and said, "no, no, no Moms is for your mothers call me Grammy" she was crazy ..... it was pretty funny - now anyway, at the time it wasn't too funny. I have met more crazy people than you would ever believe. So many people are affected by drug use and what not. 

Anyway here are some more Trini things. The people here love to add the letter S to the end of words. For instance: traffics, that's mines, and whatever word they really want to. Also the people here think physical labor is super hard, like cutting bush which is super easy or shoveling and carrying gravel. 
Anything that requires physical labor the people here think you need to hire someone who specializes in it. Like a gravel carrier or a bush cutter. There are also some other weird things I have learned about - they have things called manicues which are basically opossums and its a delicacy here. Also, you know that tree we had growing in our back yard that was destroying the sidewalk, it is a native tree here. I have also eaten so many different types of mango's I cant even think of them all! .. long ones, short ones, tiny ones, huge ones, slimy ones, dry ones, some of them taste pretty weird. I am sending a picture of the doubles here - they are the texture of crepes - kind of, and they put curried garbanzo beans on them (they call that chana) they are amazing!


One of my friends emailed me and he talked about the weather on his mission. He said it is 99 degrees and like 50% humidity and he had to walk everywhere cause their car privileges we taken away. it just made me laugh. I will tell you it is the worst when it starts to rain and the clouds have yet to block the sun its like over a hundred degrees and raining . 

Now to the important stuff. "M" the 15 year old boy I told you about, who is a solid investigator is supposed to be baptized on the 29th of this month but his father won't allow him to come to church. His dad was offended about 10 years ago. Could you pray for him that his heart will be softened? "T" is doing great! He has been struggling receiving a confirmation from the Holy Ghost that this is the true church and on Sunday in gospel principles he got his answer!!!!! So now basically all he has to do is get his divorce finalized and be married then baptized! booyah!! "J" who is 11 was able to come to church and he loved it! His dad took him and he loves his dad. His dad is supposed to be baptized this Saturday. He seems to be taking the lessons very seriously. The other night when we ended the lesson, we asked him if he would pray as usual, and he did. It was a lovely prayer but in the prayer he expressed that he will likely drink in the future. We have yet to teach him the Word of Wisdom.
It just struck home to me of how different it is here. The kids here see everyone over 15 drink and they see their parents have many relationships.  It just amazes me how much iniquity there is here. The people change so much for the gospel and it is amazing!!! 

We also went to the zoo today - the zoo is sketchy haha., no it was super fun cause you can basically play with the animals and they also have three ocelots which are awesome!!! There was also a crocodile cage that basically if you wanted to you could touch the crocodile.

Well, I love you all until next week. 
Elder Schroeder

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